My Home

Hello everyone. Here I will tell you about my house. My house is located in Malang Anggun Sejahtera housing. My family bought this house about 10 years ago. My family and I moved here because of my father's work who moved to Malang. Before moving, my family looked for a house around the work area and as a result we found it in this housing. Before entering the housing complex, we entered a village called "Sumber Porong" village. This village is very close to the main road, you can see it on the left of the road towards Malang and the right of the road towards Surabaya. Before entering this village you can see the base for motorcycle taxi drivers or also known as (simping) and a place to eat bakpau telo, these are signs if you want to enter my village. In the village there is an elementary school and kindergarten. In addition there is also a super market fishing pond and so on. After you pass the village, you will enter the RSJ (Mental H...